Shared photos & videos #TEDxAms

How to share with Mobypicture

There are a lot of ways to share with Mobypicture. You can install one of our apps or select Mobypicture in the settings of your favorite Twitter app. Besides pictures you can also share video and audio on the TEDx platform. If you don't have an account create one here.

Email your postings

Your address consists of your Moby username, a dot and your pin. For example: The subject of the email is your title. And if you have Twitter and/or Facebook paired, the text also immediately will be posted on those services (set your services here)

If you create a Mobypicture account you can choose your own PIN. If you already have an account you can find your address on your account page

Share your postings with #TEDxAms

Always share your posting (Tweet or Moby) with #TEDxAms otherwise your content isn't visible on this platform.

If you are logged in, you can comment on photos. Your reactions are immediately posted on your connected services. (Twitter / Facebook)


1. Save your Moby email address in your phonebook as a contact. So you can share easy and quickly your postings.

2. From your PC or MAC, you can easily share with the Mobypicture Desktop app (works with Adobe AIR) Download here

This real-time social aggregation platform solution is a sponsored product for events called MobyNow by the Dutch, Amsterdam based, social sharing company Mobypicture